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Ephesians 1 Declaration

I am blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. (vv 3)

I am picked out before the foundation of the world to be set apart for Christ, blameless in His sight, and above reproach in love. (vv 4)

I am predestined, through adoption as a child of God, through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will. (vv 5)

Grace is freely bestowed upon me in Christ. (vv 6)

I am redeemed through Christ’s blood. (vv.7)

I am forgiven of all my past, present and future offenses according to the abundance of His grace. (vv 7)

I am lavished with every kind of wisdom and understanding. (vv 8)

I have been made known the secret of God’s plans according to His will. (vv 9)

I bring unity between Heaven and Earth through Holy Spirit. (vv 10)

I have the inheritance that was predestined for me (vv 11)

I am stamped with the seal of promise that which is protected by God. (vv 13)

I have the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know God through Christ (vv 17)

The eyes of my heart are flooded with light to know the hope to which God has called me.(vv 18)

The eyes of my heart are flooded with light to know the riches of the glory of God’s inheritance in me. (vv 18)

The eyes of my heart are flooded with light to know the immeasurable, unlimited, and surpassing power that is in me through Christ. (vv 19)

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead and sat Him at God’s right hand in heavenly places is in me. (vv 20)

I am far above rule, authority, power, dominion and every name that is named in this age and the age to come through Christ Jesus. (vv 21)

God has placed all things under my feet through Christ Jesus, who is the Head of the church. (vv 22)

I am apart of the fullness of Christ, who fills and completes all things in all. (vv 23)

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