Prophetic Scripture #1
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light" Genesis 1:3
Whenever God speaks it is absolute. According to Merriam's Dictionary, absolute means complete and total; not limited in any way; and having unlimited power. Light deals with the ability to see or to understand. Light also brings wisdom, knowledge and revelation. Prophetic ministry provides understanding, knowledge, and wisdom to vision. Whether its an individual or corporate vision, there should be clarity that is produced through the prophetic ministry.
Remembering the word "absolute", we must keep in mind that when you are the vessel of the Holy Spirit, you are qualified to be the oracle of the Most High. When we repeat the words that are spoken to us directly from God through His Spirit, those words become absolute. The prophetic word released is complete, not limited in any way and most important, it is unlimited in power. There is no limit to what God can do.
Prayer: Father God, we thank you for your light for your light brings understanding and clarity. Even now, God, we speak to the vision that you have given us and we declare that light shall be seen. I thank you for your Spirit for it has no limit to what can be done here on the Earth. So God, grant us the spiritual eyes so that we can see through your eyes, and that we may begin to know your heart in a more intimate way! This we pray in Jesus' name, Amen!